Learn Cuban Salsa: Setenta y Uno!


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Setenta y Uno starts like Setenta but after the first Enchufla, the leader brings the follower nichtan Enganche followed by a Dile Que No where the follower walks around the leader. The move ends with a turn for the followers. Visit http://dancepapi.com for more free Cuban salsa tutorials.

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Cuban Salsa Instructors: Nicholas Van Eyck and Serena Wong

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9 thoughts on “Learn Cuban Salsa: Setenta y Uno!

  1. great material, thank you, but I have some quastions…
    here, she does a circle in her 'pasea' but in pasea video you say 'you don't want a circle while doing pasea…so, what is the difference?
    secondly, since this is a intermediate move, why you didn't begin with vacila..in vacila video you tell 'many of the intermediate move begin with vacila'..what is the reaseon behind that…

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