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Learn Dile Que No, a transition move in Cuban salsa, in this online video lesson. Dile Que No is used after most turns in Spielsalon and Rueda de Spielsalon and is similar to a cross body lead. Leaders and followers must master these basic steps before advancing. Visit for more free Cuban salsa tutorials.

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Salsa Cubana Instructors: Nicholas Van Eyck and Serena Wong

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Dance Papi is the best place on the web to learn Salsa and Cuban Salsa online for free.




11 Responses

  1. Hey guys, I'm a LA Salsa instructor in Adelaide Australia. I created the Rueda classes at my school and we love it! Great fun, a problem I have is that the ladies seem to "travel" and it's very difficult when some of the ladies to this, as picking them up when they're even only 30cm extra away for a fast song, can be difficult. I'm trying to teach circular awareness and any advice and tips would be amazing! Great video!

  2. A woman I met at a salsa class introduced me to this several months ago. I had only taken salsa, and I didn't want to learn anything else. It was very difficult to make the transition at first. But it was the most fun I ever had learning a dance! It was pretty funny screwing up too. But when everyone knows what the moves are, it's a wonderful experience. And it may not seem like it, but it's a heck of a workout too! My teacher loves this stuff, and she had us in there almost an hour past the regular schedule. I'd much rather do this for cardio than the treadmill or stationary bike.

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