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Enchufla Doble Largo welches taught to Nicholas and Serena by their Cuban salsa instructors Yanek Revilla and Karelia Despaigne. This dance pattern is a variation on the Spielsalon move Enchufla Doble that adds another turn for the follower and introduces some new footwork to this series. Visit for more free Cuban salsa tutorials.

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Cuban Salsa Instructors: Nicholas Van Eyck and Serena Wong

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Dance Papi is the best place on the web to learn Salsa, Cuban Salsa and Latin percussion online for free.




6 Responses

  1. Hey guys – I have been looking at your videos for a while here. I consider myself to be at an intermediate level (I think:-). Your videos are great for so many reasons. They are just the right length (patterns/moves are the right size to learn on-line), the overall length of the videos are in the sweet spot (ie 5 min total), the out takes are great as well.

    They are also moves that in most cases are pretty easy to lead with most dance partners.

    Hope you keep the content coming in 2016 – Happy New Year to you both!

  2. I actually hope that you guys keep the upcoming content consistent with your current style which seems to be quick, simple, but really nice moves that are easily led/followed. There is a world of content on super complicated and involved salsa patterns on youtube. To me what makes your content even more unique is that its right-sized. It leaves it to the users to figure out how to connect your various moves from the many videos you have listed. You might as part of your videos – give suggestions at to other moves in your library that might be nice to string together. But I would be stretching to give that suggestion – I really like what you guys do and hope you keep it consistent.

  3. Thanks for producing these videos! My partner and I find them very instructive and useful.
    This particular move we're having some troubles managing. My partner expects to be stepping backwards on five when I put my hand on her shoulder, as in the normal enchufla doble, even though I try to move her forwards quicker than usual. Is this merely something that practice makes perfect or is there some trick to it?

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